AVID NOMAD TRAVEL researches and plans unforgettable travel experiences for curious travelers.
Each client and every unique travel experience has a different purpose behind it. Avid Nomad Travel works with each client to learn why they want to visit a destination and how to ensure an unforgettable experience.
I research the many options and experiences available and offer those that will best fit your individual aspirations for your time away.
With over 25 years of personal travel experiences and time spent residing abroad, I draw upon firsthand experiences while planning for you.

MEET Ryan Cowden
Giving you the confidence to explore and enjoy destinations in a different way.
Hi there, my name is Ryan Cowden and I am the founder and owner of Avid Nomad Travel.
I’ve always looked at the world a bit differently, from a young age. When I was 7 years old, my grandparents gifted me a Jr. Almanac, igniting my curiosity for life beyond the threshold of my childhood home. I fell in love with everything from geography, culture, classical engineering, and nature. And as I grew older, I realized the gene for a quiet, sedentary life had passed me over. And when the time came for me to get out there to explore, I leaped at the chance, and travel became a lifelong, interactive education across 6 continents and 54 countries.
Avid Nomad Travel was founded to help travelers step out of their comfort zones by introducing them to new landscapes, cultures, and experiences. I work hard to create truly unique travel experiences for clients from diverse backgrounds including LGBTQ travelers. So whether you’re a novice adventurer, a seasoned jet-setter or you just need to escape, I will work with you to create a personalized itinerary that includes experiences that will fuel your own passions, desires, and curiosities.